Sunday 20 November 2016

Artificial Intelligence: Replicating The Human Neural Network.


A common feeling...!!

According to Oxford Dictionary: A strong feeling of affection, A great interest and pleasure in something, A friendly form of address, (in tennis, squash, and some other sports) a score of zero; nil.

According to Neural Sciences : Early stage romance produces proofs of diminished levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin and of a serotonin receptor, emulates the same condition as that of obsessive compulsive disorder. People in romantic love show increased activity in a number of different regions of the brain that are involved in the dopamine reward system. Parental love activates most of the same regions but not the hypothalamus, suggesting that the hypothalamus may be responsible for the sexual component of romantic love. Areas that show reduced activity include the amygdala and the frontal and pre-frontal cortecies. The amygdala is associated with fear and aversive learning, or learning from one's mistakes. The frontal and prefrontal cortecies are associated with the executive functions of analysis and judgment, delayed gratification, and predicting the outcomes of events. We can speculate that diminished activity in these regions explains why lovestruck persons do not seem to have full grasp of these particular functions.

Arts: There are wide range of artistic expression of love is being constantly reflected in TV, Movies, Books and other mediums, The most notorious expression of love within the liberties of artistic flight would be "pyaar dosti hai" by karan johar in Kuchh Kuchh Hota Hai.

The Overview Effect?

Not a Common Feeling....!!!!

Experienced by only 556 people, till 2010, The overview effect is triggered after watching our blue astronomical ball, earth, from space, it creates a sense of oneness to the nature in the observer, further it makes him more conscious about protecting the environment and ecosystem of the earth, and even further it equips the observer with the virtue of looking at the situations and ideas from an overview perspective.

Artificial Intelligence and Human Neural Network:

Human beings are obsessed with the idea of creating Artificial Intelligence, since time immemorial. Probably the quest would have started with the taming of animals for travelling or farming, and certainly will go beyond the creation of a God like creature, which will be organic in nature. A simple progression will be a central computer server of the world, having all the data and programs, an algorithm which is self progressing, and reconciling the new idea or knowledge with an already existing idea and creating,a new conclusion, just like a human being, but at a devastatingly large scale.

The realization of a perfect Artificial Intelligence is directly dependent on the Self realization of Human Beings.

The Human Mind perceives an experience by the activation of different receptors of the brain, at different intensity, analogizing the existing experiences, expectations, beliefs, level of knowledge, inhibitions, fear, emotional exposure, the medium of perception, among several other things. Then the ideas created by the new experience is rejected, reconciled, accepted or a series of new ideas are triggered. The information is stored then. Further new experience which activates any of the receptors of prior experience, help us in creating analogies within similar situation or situations which are entirely different. The large set of these analogies which are accepted in different fields of knowledge and reconciled to a higher idea contains the source of realization of mind. Beware, this is just one simple example, the realization is far more complex.

He spoke with the wisdom that can only come from experience, like a guy who went blind because he looked at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it and now goes around the country speaking at high schools about the dangers of looking at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it. 

 Learning to be Comfortable being Uncomfortable:

Now, coming back to the feelings of Love and Overview effect.

Love is an all encompassing feeling of compassion, an eternal motivating force for all the human endeavors, the feeling that led to the creation of this universe according to many religions, without it, crude brutality would have pervaded this planet resulting in chaos and destruction.

Overview effect is a relatively new feeling and experienced by only a fortunate few, but it must be affecting areas of mind and rejuvenating receptors which occurs while perceiving the feeling of love, it creates a different category of love, which further concludes the picture of the feeling of love.

So, the realization requires our true self to be ever expanding, undeterred by varying degrees of emotions, subjecting ourselves to the difficult situations thrown to us by life, winning the battles, on course to winning the war of attainment of our higher selves.

Will Not Write More...!!!
Thank You....!!!!

PS: Thanks For Making my life full of sufferings, to the best of your abilities, but be prepared for a compassionate repayment.
You would have won all the battles until now, and may further win in the future, but the war is not over till I win.....!!!!

Saturday 19 November 2016

Paper on Hinduism: Presented By Swami Vivekananda

This is a Reproduction of Paper On Hinduism Presented by Swami Vivekanada in Parliament Of Religions in United States Of America. The work is in Public Domain, No Copyright issues involved.
Read at the Parliament on 19th September, 1893.

Paper on Hinduism

Three religions now stand in the world which have come down to us from time prehistoric — Hinduism, Zoroastrianism and Judaism. They have all received tremendous shocks and all of them prove by their survival their internal strength. But while Judaism failed to absorb Christianity and was driven out of its place of birth by its all-conquering daughter, and a handful of Parsees is all that remains to tell the tale of their grand religion, sect after sect arose in India and seemed to shake the religion of the Vedas to its very foundations, but like the waters of the seashore in a tremendous earthquake it receded only for a while, only to return in an all-absorbing flood, a thousand times more vigorous, and when the tumult of the rush was over, these sects were all sucked in, absorbed, and assimilated into the immense body of the mother faith. 

From the high spiritual flights of the Vedanta philosophy, of which the latest discoveries of science seem like echoes, to the low ideas of idolatry with its multifarious mythology, the agnosticism of the Buddhists, and the atheism of the Jains, each and all have a place in the Hindu's religion.

 Where then, the question arises, where is the common centre to which all these widely diverging radii converge? Where is the common basis upon which all these seemingly hopeless contradictions rest? And this is the question I shall attempt to answer. 

The Hindus have received their religion through revelation, the Vedas. They hold that the Vedas are without beginning and without end. It may sound ludicrous to this audience, how a book can be without beginning or end. But by the Vedas no books are meant. They mean the accumulated treasury of spiritual laws discovered by different persons in different times. Just as the law of gravitation existed before its discovery, and would exist if all humanity forgot it, so is it with the laws that govern the spiritual world. The moral, ethical, and spiritual relations between soul and soul and between individual spirits and the Father of all spirits, were there before their discovery, and would remain even if we forgot them.

 The discoverers of these laws are called Rishis, and we honour them as perfected beings. I am glad to tell this audience that some of the very greatest of them were women. Here it may be said that these laws as laws may be without end, but they must have had a beginning. The Vedas teach us that creation is without beginning or end. Science is said to have proved that the sum total of cosmic energy is always the same. Then, if there was a time when nothing existed, where was all this manifested energy? Some say it was in a potential form in God. In that case God is sometimes potential and sometimes kinetic, which would make Him mutable. Everything mutable is a compound, and everything compound must undergo that change which is called destruction. So God would die, which is absurd. Therefore there never was a time when there was no creation.

 If I may be allowed to use a simile, creation and creator are two lines, without beginning and without end, running parallel to each other. God is the ever active providence, by whose power systems after systems are being evolved out of chaos, made to run for a time and again destroyed. This is what the Brâhmin boy repeats every day: "The sun and the moon, the Lord created like the suns and moons of previous cycles." And this agrees with modern science.

Here I stand and if I shut my eyes, and try to conceive my existence, "I", "I", "I", what is the idea before me? The idea of a body. Am I, then, nothing but a combination of material substances? The Vedas declare, “No”. I am a spirit living in a body. I am not the body. The body will die, but I shall not die. Here am I in this body; it will fall, but I shall go on living. I had also a past. The soul was not created, for creation means a combination which means a certain future dissolution. If then the soul was created, it must die. Some are born happy, enjoy perfect health, with beautiful body, mental vigour and all wants supplied. Others are born miserable, some are without hands or feet, others again are idiots and only drag on a wretched existence. Why, if they are all created, why does a just and merciful God create one happy and another unhappy, why is He so partial ? Nor would it mend matters in the least to hold that those who are miserable in this life will be happy in a future one. Why should a man be miserable even here in the reign of a just and merciful God?

In the second place, the idea of a creator God does not explain the anomaly, but simply expresses the cruel fiat of an all-powerful being. There must have been causes, then, before his birth, to make a man miserable or happy and those were his past actions.

Are not all the tendencies of the mind and the body accounted for by inherited aptitude? Here are two parallel lines of existence — one of the mind, the other of matter. If matter and its transformations answer for all that we have, there is no necessity for supposing the existence of a soul. But it cannot be proved that thought has been evolved out of matter, and if a philosophical monism is inevitable, spiritual monism is certainly logical and no less desirable than a materialistic monism; but neither of these is necessary here.

We cannot deny that bodies acquire certain tendencies from heredity, but those tendencies only mean the physical configuration, through which a peculiar mind alone can act in a peculiar way. There are other tendencies peculiar to a soul caused by its past actions. And a soul with a certain tendency would by the laws of affinity take birth in a body which is the fittest instrument for the display of that tendency. This is in accord with science, for science wants to explain everything by habit, and habit is got through repetitions. So repetitions are necessary to explain the natural habits of a new-born soul. And since they were not obtained in this present life, they must have come down from past lives.

There is another suggestion. Taking all these for granted, how is it that I do not remember anything of my past life ? This can be easily explained. I am now speaking English. It is not my mother tongue, in fact no words of my mother tongue are now present in my consciousness; but let me try to bring them up, and they rush in. That shows that consciousness is only the surface of the mental ocean, and within its depths are stored up all our experiences. Try and struggle, they would come up and you would be conscious even of your past life.

This is direct and demonstrative evidence. Verification is the perfect proof of a theory, and here is the challenge thrown to the world by the Rishis. We have discovered the secret by which the very depths of the ocean of memory can be stirred up — try it and you would get a complete reminiscence of your past life.

So then the Hindu believes that he is a spirit. Him the sword cannot pierce — him the fire cannot burn — him the water cannot melt — him the air cannot dry. The Hindu believes that every soul is a circle whose circumference is nowhere, but whose centre is located in the body, and that death means the change of this centre from body to body. Nor is the soul bound by the conditions of matter. In its very essence it is free, unbounded, holy, pure, and perfect. But somehow or other it finds itself tied down to matter, and thinks of itself as matter.

Why should the free, perfect, and pure being be thus under the thraldom of matter, is the next question. How can the perfect soul be deluded into the belief that it is imperfect? We have been told that the Hindus shirk the question and say that no such question can be there. Some thinkers want to answer it by positing one or more quasi-perfect beings, and use big scientific names to fill up the gap. But naming is not explaining. The question remains the same. How can the perfect become the quasi-perfect; how can the pure, the absolute, change even a microscopic particle of its nature? But the Hindu is sincere. He does not want to take shelter under sophistry. He is brave enough to face the question in a manly fashion; and his answer is: “I do not know. I do not know how the perfect being, the soul, came to think of itself as imperfect, as joined to and conditioned by matter." But the fact is a fact for all that. It is a fact in everybody's consciousness that one thinks of oneself as the body. The Hindu does not attempt to explain why one thinks one is the body. The answer that it is the will of God is no explanation. This is nothing more than what the Hindu says, "I do not know."

 Well, then, the human soul is eternal and immortal, perfect and infinite, and death means only a change of centre from one body to another. The present is determined by our past actions, and the future by the present. The soul will go on evolving up or reverting back from birth to birth and death to death. But here is another question: Is man a tiny boat in a tempest, raised one moment on the foamy crest of a billow and dashed down into a yawning chasm the next, rolling to and fro at the mercy of good and bad actions — a powerless, helpless wreck in an ever-raging, ever-rushing, uncompromising current of cause and effect; a little moth placed under the wheel of causation which rolls on crushing everything in its way and waits not for the widow's tears or the orphan's cry? The heart sinks at the idea, yet this is the law of Nature. Is there no hope? Is there no escape? — was the cry that went up from the bottom of the heart of despair. It reached the throne of mercy, and words of hope and consolation came down and inspired a Vedic sage, and he stood up before the world and in trumpet voice proclaimed the glad tidings: "Hear, ye children of immortal bliss! even ye that reside in higher spheres! I have found the Ancient One who is beyond all darkness, all delusion: knowing Him alone you shall be saved from death over again." "Children of immortal bliss" — what a sweet, what a hopeful name! Allow me to call you, brethren, by that sweet name — heirs of immortal bliss — yea, the Hindu refuses to call you sinners. Ye are the Children of God, the sharers of immortal bliss, holy and perfect beings. Ye divinities on earth — sinners! It is a sin to call a man so; it is a standing libel on human nature. Come up, O lions, and shake off the delusion that you are sheep; you are souls immortal, spirits free, blest and eternal; ye are not matter, ye are not bodies; matter is your servant, not you the servant of matter.

 Thus it is that the Vedas proclaim not a dreadful combination of unforgiving laws, not an endless prison of cause and effect, but that at the head of all these laws, in and through every particle of matter and force, stands One "by whose command the wind blows, the fire burns, the clouds rain, and death stalks upon the earth."

 And what is His nature?

 He is everywhere, the pure and formless One, the Almighty and the Allmerciful. "Thou art our father, Thou art our mother, Thou art our beloved friend, Thou art the source of all strength; give us strength. Thou art He that beareth the burdens of the universe; help me bear the little burden of this life." Thus sang the Rishis of the Vedas. And how to worship Him? Through love. "He is to be worshipped as the one beloved, dearer than everything in this and the next life."

 This is the doctrine of love declared in the Vedas, and let us see how it is fully developed and taught by Krishna, whom the Hindus believe to have been God incarnate on earth.

 He taught that a man ought to live in this world like a lotus leaf, which grows in water but is never moistened by water; so a man ought to live in the world — his heart to God and his hands to work.

 It is good to love God for hope of reward in this or the next world, but it is better to love God for love's sake, and the prayer goes: "Lord, I do not want wealth, nor children, nor learning. If it be Thy will, I shall go from birth to birth, but grant me this, that I may love Thee without the hope of reward — love unselfishly for love's sake." One of the disciples of Krishna, the then Emperor of India, was driven from his kingdom by his enemies and had to take shelter with his queen in a forest in the Himalayas, and there one day the queen asked him how it was that he, the most virtuous of men, should suffer so much misery. Yudhishthira answered, "Behold, my queen, the Himalayas, how grand and beautiful they are; I love them. They do not give me anything, but my nature is to love the grand, the beautiful, therefore I love them. Similarly, I love the Lord. He is the source of all beauty, of all sublimity. He is the only object to be loved; my nature is to love Him, and therefore I love. I do not pray for anything; I do not ask for anything. Let Him place me wherever He likes. I must love Him for love's sake. I cannot trade in love."

 The Vedas teach that the soul is divine, only held in the bondage of matter; perfection will be reached when this bond will burst, and the word they use for it is therefore, Mukti — freedom, freedom from the bonds of imperfection, freedom from death and misery.

 And this bondage can only fall off through the mercy of God, and this mercy comes on the pure. So purity is the condition of His mercy. How does that mercy act? He reveals Himself to the pure heart; the pure and the stainless see God, yea, even in this life; then and then only all the crookedness of the heart is made straight. Then all doubt ceases. He is no more the freak of a terrible law of causation. This is the very centre, the very vital conception of Hinduism. The Hindu does not want to live upon words and theories. If there are existences beyond the ordinary sensuous existence, he wants to come face to face with them. If there is a soul in him which is not matter, if there is an allmerciful universal Soul, he will go to Him direct. He must see Him, and that alone can destroy all doubts. So the best proof a Hindu sage gives about the soul, about God, is: "I have seen the soul; I have seen God." And that is the only condition of perfection. The Hindu religion does not consist in struggles and attempts to believe a certain doctrine or dogma, but in realising — not in believing, but in being and becoming.

 Thus the whole object of their system is by constant struggle to become perfect, to become divine, to reach God and see God, and this reaching God, seeing God, becoming perfect even as the Father in Heaven is perfect, constitutes the religion of the Hindus.

 And what becomes of a man when he attains perfection? He lives a life of bliss infinite. He enjoys infinite and perfect bliss, having obtained the only thing in which man ought to have pleasure, namely God, and enjoys the bliss with God.

 So far all the Hindus are agreed. This is the common religion of all the sects of India; but, then, perfection is absolute, and the absolute cannot be two or three. It cannot have any qualities. It cannot be an individual. And so when a soul becomes perfect and absolute, it must become one with Brahman, and it would only realise the Lord as the perfection, the reality, of its own nature and existence, the existence absolute, knowledge absolute, and bliss absolute. We have often and often read this called the losing of individuality and becoming a stock or a stone.

 “He jests at scars that never felt a wound.”

 I tell you it is nothing of the kind. If it is happiness to enjoy the consciousness of this small body, it must be greater happiness to enjoy the consciousness of two bodies, the measure of happiness increasing with the consciousness of an increasing number of bodies, the aim, the ultimate of happiness being reached when it would become a universal consciousness.

 Therefore, to gain this infinite universal individuality, this miserable little prison-individuality must go. Then alone can death cease when I am alone with life, then alone can misery cease when I am one with happiness itself, then alone can all errors cease when I am one with knowledge itself; and this is the necessary scientific conclusion. Science has proved to me that physical individuality is a delusion, that really my body is one little continuously changing body in an unbroken ocean of matter; and Advaita (unity) is the necessary conclusion with my other counterpart, soul.

 Science is nothing but the finding of unity. As soon as science would reach perfect unity, it would stop from further progress, because it would reach the goal. Thus Chemistry could not progress farther when it would discover one element out of which all other could be made. Physics would stop when it would be able to fulfill its services in discovering one energy of which all others are but manifestations, and the science of religion become perfect when it would discover Him who is the one life in a universe of death, Him who is the constant basis of an ever-changing world. One who is the only Soul of which all souls are but delusive manifestations. Thus is it, through multiplicity and duality, that the ultimate unity is reached. Religion can go no farther. This is the goal of all science. 

All science is bound to come to this conclusion in the long run. Manifestation, and not creation, is the word of science today, and the Hindu is only glad that what he has been cherishing in his bosom for ages is going to be taught in more forcible language, and with further light from the latest conclusions of science.

Descend we now from the aspirations of philosophy to the religion of the ignorant. At the very outset, I may tell you that there is no polytheism in India. In every temple, if one stands by and listens, one will find the worshippers applying all the attributes of God, including omnipresence, to the images. It is not polytheism, nor would the name henotheism explain the situation. "The rose called by any other name would smell as sweet." Names are not explanations.

 I remember, as a boy, hearing a Christian missionary preach to a crowd in India. Among other sweet things he was telling them was that if he gave a blow to their idol with his stick, what could it do? One of his hearers sharply answered, "If I abuse your God, what can He do?" “You would be punished,” said the preacher, "when you die." "So my idol will punish you when you die," retorted the Hindu.

The tree is known by its fruits. When I have seen amongst them that are called idolaters, men, the like of whom in morality and spirituality and love I have never seen anywhere, I stop and ask myself, "Can sin beget holiness?"

 Superstition is a great enemy of man, but bigotry is worse. Why does a Christian go to church? Why is the cross holy? Why is the face turned toward the sky in prayer? Why are there so many images in the Catholic Church? Why are there so many images in the minds of Protestants when they pray? My brethren, we can no more think about anything without a mental image than we can live without breathing. By the law of association, the material image calls up the mental idea and vice versa. This is why the Hindu uses an external symbol when he worships. He will tell you, it helps to keep his mind fixed on the Being to whom he prays. He knows as well as you do that the image is not God, is not omnipresent. After all, how much does omnipresence mean to almost the whole world? It stands merely as a word, a symbol. Has God superficial area? If not, when we repeat that word "omnipresent", we think of the extended sky or of space, that is all.

 As we find that somehow or other, by the laws of our mental constitution, we have to associate our ideas of infinity with the image of the blue sky, or of the sea, so we naturally connect our idea of holiness with the image of a church, a mosque, or a cross. The Hindus have associated the idea of holiness, purity, truth, omnipresence, and such other ideas with different images and forms. But with this difference that while some people devote their whole lives to their idol of a church and never rise higher, because with them religion means an intellectual assent to certain doctrines and doing good to their fellows, the whole religion of the Hindu is centred in realisation. Man is to become divine by realising the divine. Idols or temples or churches or books are only the supports, the helps, of his spiritual childhood: but on and on he must progress.

 He must not stop anywhere. "External worship, material worship," say the scriptures, "is the lowest stage; struggling to rise high, mental prayer is the next stage, but the highest stage is when the Lord has been realised." Mark, the same earnest man who is kneeling before the idol tells you, "Him the Sun cannot express, nor the moon, nor the stars, the lightning cannot express Him, nor what we speak of as fire; through Him they shine." But he does not abuse any one's idol or call its worship sin. He recognises in it a necessary stage of life. "The child is father of the man." Would it be right for an old man to say that childhood is a sin or youth a sin?

 If a man can realise his divine nature with the help of an image, would it be right to call that a sin? Nor even when he has passed that stage, should he call it an error. To the Hindu, man is not travelling from error to truth, but from truth to truth, from lower to higher truth. To him all the religions, from the lowest fetishism to the highest absolutism, mean so many attempts of the human soul to grasp and realise the Infinite, each determined by the conditions of its birth and association, and each of these marks a stage of progress; and every soul is a young eagle soaring higher and higher, gathering more and more strength, till it reaches the Glorious Sun.

 Unity in variety is the plan of nature, and the Hindu has recognised it. Every other religion lays down certain fixed dogmas, and tries to force society to adopt them. It places before society only one coat which must fit Jack and John and Henry, all alike. If it does not fit John or Henry, he must go without a coat to cover his body. The Hindus have discovered that the absolute can only be realised, or thought of, or stated, through the relative, and the images, crosses, and crescents are simply so many symbols — so many pegs to hang the spiritual ideas on. It is not that this help is necessary for every one, but those that do not need it have no right to say that it is wrong. Nor is it compulsory in Hinduism.

 One thing I must tell you. Idolatry in India does not mean anything horrible. It is not the mother of harlots. On the other hand, it is the attempt of undeveloped minds to grasp high spiritual truths. The Hindus have their faults, they sometimes have their exceptions; but mark this, they are always for punishing their own bodies, and never for cutting the throats of their neighbours. If the Hindu fanatic burns himself on the pyre, he never lights the fire of Inquisition. And even this cannot be laid at the door of his religion any more than the burning of witches can be laid at the door of Christianity.

 To the Hindu, then, the whole world of religions is only a travelling, a coming up, of different men and women, through various conditions and circumstances, to the same goal. Every religion is only evolving a God out of the material man, and the same God is the inspirer of all of them. Why, then, are there so many contradictions? They are only apparent, says the Hindu. The contradictions come from the same truth adapting itself to the varying circumstances of different natures.

It is the same light coming through glasses of different colours. And these little variations are necessary for purposes of adaptation. But in the heart of everything the same truth reigns. The Lord has declared to the Hindu in His incarnation as Krishna, "I am in every religion as the thread through a string of pearls. Wherever thou seest extraordinary holiness and extraordinary power raising and purifying humanity, know thou that I am there." And what has been the result? I challenge the world to find, throughout the whole system of Sanskrit philosophy, any such expression as that the Hindu alone will be saved and not others. Says Vyasa, "We find perfect men even beyond the pale of our caste and creed." One thing more. How, then, can the Hindu, whose whole fabric of thought centres in God, believe in Buddhism which is agnostic, or in Jainism which is atheistic?

 The Buddhists or the Jains do not depend upon God; but the whole force of their religion is directed to the great central truth in every religion, to evolve a God out of man. They have not seen the Father, but they have seen the Son. And he that hath seen the Son hath seen the Father also.

 This, brethren, is a short sketch of the religious ideas of the Hindus. The Hindu may have failed to carry out all his plans, but if there is ever to be a universal religion, it must be one which will have no location in place or time; which will be infinite like the God it will preach, and whose sun will shine upon the followers of Krishna and of Christ, on saints and sinners alike; which will not be Brahminic or Buddhistic, Christian or Mohammedan, but the sum total of all these, and still have infinite space for development; which in its catholicity will embrace in its infinite arms, and find a place for, every human being, from the lowest grovelling savage not far removed from the brute, to the highest man towering by the virtues of his head and heart almost above humanity, making society stand in awe of him and doubt his human nature. It will be a religion which will have no place for persecution or intolerance in its polity, which will recognise divinity in every man and woman, and whose whole scope, whose whole force, will be created in aiding humanity to realise its own true, divine nature.

 Offer such a religion, and all the nations will follow you. Asoka's council was a council of the Buddhist faith. Akbar's, though more to the purpose, was only a parlour-meeting. It was reserved for America to proclaim to all quarters of the globe that the Lord is in every religion.

 May He who is the Brahman of the Hindus, the Ahura-Mazda of the Zoroastrians, the Buddha of the Buddhists, the Jehovah of the Jews, the Father in Heaven of the Christians, give strength to you to carry out your noble idea! The star arose in the East; it travelled steadily towards the West, sometimes dimmed and sometimes effulgent, till it made a circuit of the world; and now it is again rising on the very horizon of the East, the borders of the Sanpo, a thousandfold more effulgent than it ever was before.

 Hail, Columbia, motherland of liberty! It has been given to thee, who never dipped her hand in her neighbour’s blood, who never found out that the shortest way of becoming rich was by robbing one’s neighbours, it has been given to thee to march at the vanguard of civilisation with the flag of harmony.

Thursday 17 November 2016

How to Become Prime Minister of India: Simplified...!!!!

Sorry !!! If you are looking for a humorous or satirical answer of the question posed above, you are at the wrong place, don' waste your time reading this.

If you are still here, start preparing for the oath ceremony.

Let's decode the path to become the Prime Minister of India, together.


Let us Examine data in hand very very briefly:

We had 14 people who had made it to this office till date:


1. Jawaharlal Nehru:
Born of an affluent barrister, a England educated barrister himself, led the country from 1947-1964. Joined congress in 1926, took over the reigns of left wing of the congress and consequently the entire congress in 1929. A Hindu agnostic, architect of the new nation, sowed the seeds of new economic policy, scientific developments, international relations, revolutionized the personal laws of Hindus weeding out age old arbitrary and unjust practices, more can be found here, He managed to influence people by his new ideas based on his cosmopolitan thoughts. At the time, People in India used to be obsessed by kings, Rich and people from Great Britain(ironically the same ones who looted them for over 200 years) and Jawaharlal Nehru Possessed all those attributes.

2. Guljari Lal Nanda:

Just a filler, used twice for 13 days each, after death of Jawahar Lal Nehru in 1964 and after death of Lal Bahadur Shashtri in 1966. hardly matters in our analysis.

3. Lal Bahadur Shastri:

Born in the family of a school teacher, completed his education in Urdu up-to class 7 in Allahabad, later shifted to Benaras, earned a first class degree in philosophy and ethics, the title awarded with the degree "Shashtri" struck to his name, served as railway minister in first cabinet, More can be found Here. escalated to the office of the prime minister after death of Jawarlal Nehru in office in 1964, as he was the staunch supporter of Nehruvian socialistic policies, but while governing he did deviated from some of them.

5. Indira Gandhi:

The Indians obsessed with the idea of monarchy, succession of leadership of the state, based on the lineage of dynasty. Daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, An oxford graduate, but performed poorly in some of the subjects, she led India in the arguably most eventful 3 terms of political history of independent India, war with Pakistan, attacked the independence of judiciary, imposed emergency(Which actually created many leaders, who are leading different states, and Atal Bihari and Chandra Shekhar managed to reach the highest office) more can be found Here

6. Morarji Desai:

Conferred with Pakistan's Highest Civilian Award, Nishan E Pakistan.
Morarji Desai was born in a school  teacher,s family, appointed as a civil servant in Gujarat but later terminated on the ground of going soft on Hindus, left him with the option of joining congress in its freedom struggle, which consequently resulted in he becoming the first Non-Congress Prime Minister Of India. More can be found here.

7. Chaudhary Charan Singh:
Chaudhry Charan Singh was born in a small Jat peasant family, participated in freedom movement alongside Mahatma Gandhi, possessed a MA and a Law degree, architect of the land reform laws in India, More can be found here.

8. Rajiv Gandhi:

The youngest Prime Minister of India, elevated to the office after assassination of his mother in 1984, went to Cambridge to Study engineering, but never completed it, took a pilot license from flying club, Delhi, and was a pilot in state owned Air India. After 3 years of courtship, he married  Italian Edvige Antonia Albina Màino (Sonia Gandhi). More can be found HERE.

9. Vishwanath Pratap Singh:

Born in a Rajput Zamindar family from Manda, completed his education from Allahabad and Pune universities, held many offices in congress governments, Mandal Commission report was implemented during his reign. More can be found HERE.

10. Chandra Shekhar:
Born in an agriculturist family in Balia district of Uttar Pradesh, earned a MA degree in Political Science from Allahabad University, started his political career with Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, became Prime minister in 1990. More can be found here.

11. P. V. Narsimha Rao:

Belonged to an agrarian family in warangal, a lawyer by proffession, instrumental in opening up of Indian economy, end of license raj, and laid foundations of new India.. more can be found here.

12. Atal Bihari Vajpayee:

Born in the family of school teacher, held MA in Political Science, started as general secretory Arya Samaj Gwalior, was also a member of RSS and was elevated to the position of Pracharak in the oraganisation, later became the first non congress Prime Minister to serve a full five year term in 1998. More can be found Here.

13. H. D. Devegowda:
Born in a Middle class agricultural Family in Karnataka, earned diploma in civil engineering, became chief minister of Karnataka, and later the Prime Minister Of Union of India in 1996. More can be found Here.

14. Manmohan Singh:
Born in a Sikh family of undevided Punjab Province, completed Economic Tripos from University of Cambridge and later a D.Phil from university of oxford. held many eminent positions in United Nations, Reserve bank of India and finally Became the Prime Minister of India in 2004, More can be found here.

15. Narendra Modi:

The incumbent Prime Minister. Born in a Family with humble means,  started  career as a tea vendor, joined RSS, Became CM of Gujrat for two Terms, and later promoting his Gujrat Model of Governance, Became the prime Minister in 2014. More can be found Here.

What Is INDIA?

India matches the diversity of the world on various parameters, with different languages and dialects, economic inequalities, geographic diversity, religions and beliefs, and many other things, the needs of the people are also diverse, every person has different views on leader they wanted, which can't be comprehended. In a Nutshell it is the prototype of the working model of the world.

(Topics are not covered in detail for the shake of brevity.)

By analyzing the above we can say that a person from any background can make it to the office provided he possesses some qualities.

What Are the Qualities one Has to Imbibe to be Eligible to be appointed as Prime Minister of India ?

1. Leadership; Quite obvious, but the difference is you have to lead recalcitrants, who are themselves elected leaders of their respective constituencies, you have to earn their respect by unimpeachable character, and constant good things you have done in the past.

2. Exceptional communicator: One needs to be a good Communicator, With exceptional powers of reasoning, Which can appeal to the reason of people from diversified backgrounds.

3. Wide Knowledge: You have to possess cross disciplinary knowledge, as topics in  a PM's life changes with a maniacal  speed, in the morning you are dealing with economic policies, the next moment you have to deal with nuclear policies, and in the next moment you have to deal with commercial and social viability of nuclear reactors. So you must have atleast abstract ideas of everything in the knowledge of mankind.

4. Good Health: One is needed to be agile, not only with his mind but also physically.

5. Disciplined: Its a never ending work, you have to be disciplined.

Do You Think That aforesaid Qualities can make you The Prime Minister of India ?

The answer is an obvious NO, as India is a large country with population of 125 crores, there are millions of people, who possess these qualities, and are eager to take over the reigns. The qualities listed above can make you only eligible.

But the Following qualities will certainly differentiate you from the millions and put you in the line of strongest contenders for the job:

1. Unimpeachable Belief in yourself:  Unimpeachable means empirically and eternally unimpeachable. Take control of the situations around you, and don't allow them to control you. Don't deter from bad experiences and stay grounded with good ones.

2. The Megapixels of the Picture of yourself in your mind as a Prime Minister of India need to be Eternally Multiplying:  Abstract ideas are the mother of every resultant human action. Imagine when a person first conceived the idea of flying, he only had an abstract idea without any reasoning, but with constantly believing on that idea, which resulted in working on it tirelessly every part of that idea is detailed and pronounced, and the picture became complete with every minutest detailing. and consequently air crafts and helicopters were invented. In the same way create an abstract picture of yourself as the Prime Minister in your mind, and believe on that picture. Your belief will govern your thoughts and your thoughts will govern your actions, and your actions will start detailing the abstract picture into a multi dimensional extension of yourself. The only thing you have to do is believe!!!

3. Dodging the Determinism: Every action in a person's life, first takes place in mind and further consecutive actions are programmed on the basis of the first conception of that idea, like a chain reaction. Every action is triggered by the preceding experience, and ideas conceived on the basis of that experience. Our actions and thoughts are governed by these triggers.
There are theories in Psychology which support this proposition, there is selective exposure theory which says that a person is more likely to accept and affirm information which supports its previous convictions, he is more likely to absorb information if he has an abstract idea about that subject.
The things which are associated with certain experiences triggers thoughts which are responsible for consequent actions.
Every consequence is a result of selections, a person makes in the past, as every experience is multidimensional, draw a circle on a paper, a cricketer will perceive it as a cricket ball, a footballer will see a football and an astronaut will see it as a sun or earth.
You have to keep increasing your dimensions, while channelizing all the dimensions towards your goal. 
A person is likely to judge morality of an action on the basis of religion to which he belongs.
These things, acts as a determinist of your fate, you have to keep enlarging your cognitive potential with new knowledges and re-conciliating beliefs to put yourself in the driver seat of your own determinism.

4. Communicating with large Number of People while Keeping the diversity of their Knowledges and Beliefs in Mind

5. Reality Check: Keep a reality check on yourself, you have thought of something big, you should not loose the ground before achieving it. you should not be settled with anything but the best. 

Just install these qualities in yourself and see the consequences that follow.
Do invite me in the oath ceremony!!!
Please do watch these video..!!!!

Jai Hind...!!!
Jai Shri Krishna...!!!
Thank You....!!!!

Monday 14 November 2016

Guru Nanak: Torch Bearer of Eastern Philoshophy

While the western world was following the philosophies of Martin Luther, John Knox and John Wesley, and Christopher Columbus was on his nautical explorations, there was a Saint in India, with his conglomerated ideas of Hinduism, Islam And Buddhism among others, was creating waves of a new spiritual awakening in the people of India, preaching dynamic Gospels of knowledge, and travelling the length and breadth of the country, while building the youngest religion of the world.

Here are 10 Teachings of Guru Nanak, which are eternal:

1. Speak the Truth:

“You are not Babar but JABAR” exhorting the Mughal emperor babar in his own court, Guru Nanak demonstrated that, one should speak the truth without worrying about the consequences and without getting overwhelmed by the situation.

2. Sewa and Simran

Guru Nanak preached his disciples to constantly help the needy (sewa) as this will open an honorable place for them in court of the lord. Always be in touch with god by remembering him at all times(simran) with the guidance of Guru.

3. Liberal Views on sexual equality:

At the time when woman are not allowed to sanctum of the temples by Hindus and by Muslims in mosques, Guru Nanak supported the idea of equality of sexes and permitted woman to participate in religious gatherings of Sikhism.

4. Believe in only one God: 

Guru Nanak taught to believe in one god, who is beyond comprehension, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. There is no Hindu or Muslim.

On his visit to Hardiwar, he saw people offering the water of the Ganges towards the sun in the east, as an offering to their ancestors in heaven. He began to throw water towards the West. When others ridiculed him, he said: "If Ganges water will reach your ancestors in heaven, why should the water I throw not reach my fields in the Punjab, which are far less distant?"

5. Leaving Worldly affairs and running into forest will not Enlighten you:

“…Remember the essence of religion/ Is meekness and sympathy/ But a life of goodness and purity/ Amid the world’s temptations…” (Guru Nanak)

He believed that a person can be enlightened only by leading a life of goodness and purity, unfettered by worldly temptations, while living with it.

6. Finding evils which is ruining lives:

a. Ego b. Anger c. Greed d. Attachment and e. Lust

Probably the eternal source of all sufferings.

7. Be Selfless;

Gurudwaras located in diferent parts of the country feed lakhs of people everyday, not because of any divine gain, but it is taught to be the duty of every Sikh by Guru Nanak.

8. Fight superstition of any kind:

Refute Superstitious dictates of the society if it doesn't support your reason.

9. Simplicity is beautiful:

Vand Chako: Sharing with others
Kirat Karo: Making an honest living
Naam Japna: Remembering God at all times

To follow Sikhism, one has to follow these three tenets, thats all, making it the simplest religion of the world.

10. Travel:

Guru Nanak walked, to Iraq, Ladakh, Tibet and Saudi Arabia...!!!! He taught that traveling, unlocks the spiritual wisdom of human beings.

Thank You...!!! Please do watch this video to feel the sanctity of Guru Nanak!!!! 
Happy Guru Nanak Jayanti!!!!

Saturday 12 November 2016

Positive Effects of Demonetization of Rs. 500 and 1000 Notes: Beyond conception of Narendra Modi

Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi is back in a new Avatar....!!! This Time Liberating India from black money Hoarders..!!!
Great Move!!! Cleaning the economy from domestic black money hoarders in a single shot !! Great job !! But there will be more positive bubble effects on the Indian economy, though assumed to be a short lived phenomenon, but surely it will make the government feel good:

Monetory distribution will be Rationalized:

Poor people, are with a sudden burst going to be richer, as the black money hoarders are going to approach these people to convert their black money into white, by depositing in their Jandhan Accounts and taking back cash from them after deducting a small amount, to be paid to these people.
Jandhan Programme is going to be a further hit.

New Green Revolution:

Income from agricultural produce are eligible for rebate under Income Tax Act, More people who qualify as agriculturists show their income coming from this source, though only from Income Tax perspective, but stage is set for a new Green Revolution in the country.

Altruistic motives will Pervade the hearts of the people: 

Suddenly people in India will start thinking about social motives, there will be more donations in public trust and companies u/s 8 of Companies Act, as donations qualify for income tax rebate.

Intellectual Revolution: 

India is going to be smarter, investments in Scientific research for public purposes will  be on boom this year, for the same reason, rebate

Software Exports will be on Rise:

Same reason rebate.

Real Estate Prices Will be Rationalized:

Because of suction of black money from the market, and applying the principles of demand and supply, and based on the fact that real estate is the largest sector accounting for black money, Real Estate prices will go down. Good for the common Indian, It is likely to effect other commodities as well.

  And there are plenty of other positive effects that can be listed, which will make the Indian Economy, appear to be boosted, but beyond reality.

I would like to congratulate Shri Narendra Modi, for taking this great step, but more emphasis on revolutionizing and creating an error free monitoring system is required.
Jai Shri Krishna!!!!
Thank You!!!! 

More Views on precognition click Here

Thursday 10 November 2016

Precognition: Warm Hole into the Future.

Cosmic or astronomical events of the next many centuries has already been predicted, here. When next solar eclipse will take place, when the next time the shadow of the earth will directly fall onto the moon, because of coming in the straight line, and create the phenomenon of lunar eclipse, is also predicted, when and on what date the next festivals will be celebrated, because of orchestration of a certain cosmic setup is decided. These all predictions are based on the premise that the nuclear fission in the sun will continue, earth and all other planets will keep revolving and rotating on its axis and will keep orbiting on their path, the rules followed by stars of conclusion of nuclear fission after a certain time will be followed and they will turn into white dwarf or black hole after that, a comet will follow the same path and maintain the same velocity for thousands of years and many more.

The above said predictions are believed to be certain based on certain mathematical and cosmic equations, tested over time, based on the scientifically recognized faculties developed by us to perceive things. This is what differentiates a scientific prediction from a prophecy or precognition, precognitions are based on action of faculties, which are not scientifically recognized, making its occurrence highly improbable, and on the other hand there are scientific predictions, which are based on time tested faculties and equations based on those faculties.

Example, A man walking on a beautiful straight road, he can see the scenic mountains on the horizons of his sight, about 15 miles away, he is in good health, 20 years old, without any past medical history, willing to reach the mountains, he is watching. Now what will be the scientific predictions based on the available premises and what will be the prophecies or precognitions of that man about his reach? Based on available data, lets assume both the  scientific predictions and prophesy(or Precognition) of that man about reaching the mountains are the same, that he will reach them. Now with every step the man is taking both the scientific prediction and precognition are proving to be correct and ultimately reaches the mountain and able to see the beautiful flowing river on the other side of the mountain. (sorry no dramatics according to your precognition), 
But now, lets analyse the event in detail,  the premises available scientifically are that the distance is travel-able, man possesses a good health and young makes it scientifically highly probable that the man reaches the mountain, considering, he is willing to reach them at the time the man takes his first step towards it, these premises are specifically available to make scientific predictions on the man reaching the mountains. 
Coming to the precognition part, what are the premises available for the functioning of precognitive faculties of the mind, over & above the premises which are scientifically recognized, the perseverance of the man, the fluctuations of the graph of will power of the man towards his destination, his love for scenic mountains and the river flowing on the other side of it, and along with it the things which are not in our cognition like psychic radiations, are available to perform the function of precognition in the mind.

Thus, we can conclude from the above that there are more premises available to precognite than available scientifically, which is both a boon and bane for precognition, as additional premises available creates disparities in the mind as these additional premises in current times are not quantifiable, not comprehensible, and are not tested scientifically with repeated assessments in the laboratory and putting different persons into the same circumstances to find probabilities to generalize the assumption based on premises which are scientifically intangible till date.

Thus we can further conclude that precognition is the next step beyond scientific prediction, and based on factors which are scientifically incomprehensible (till date). The reasons and science are working towards filling this void between precognition and scientific prediction.

Precognition is a natural virtue and no specialized knowledge is required, but with the advancement of science and its learning, we have depreciated the reliance on the precognitive faculty and we have trained our minds, not to accept the signals from this faculty making its functions reduced to minuscule levels.

 Neither scientific predictions nor the precognitions are perfect, the most scientifically advanced sports car meet accidents, the most advanced aircraft crashes, the most advanced space mission fail,  the most scientifically built building doesn't weather earthquakes. I believe, the reason behind imperfection of both of these concepts are that the people who are scientists believe precognition to be farce and criticize the concept, while people asserting precognitions (generally religious people who are not supposed to be) believe the same way about science, rather both the concepts are complimentary to each other and can thrive only when these are deemed to be complementary.

Scientific investigation of extrasensory perception is complicated by the definition which implies that the phenomena go against established principles of science. Specifically, precognition would violate the principle that an effect cannot occur before its cause.

The term "extrasensory perception" is itself attracts criticism (may be only from me) on the authority of people who assert to limit the sensory perceptions of human beings, though it is easier to talk about possibilities than reason, but the possibilities are boundless and limitless, may be we have only lived minuscule part of the time of our existence and a lot to learn and keep learning is needed to be the virtue to attain perfection(misnomer), we might have not thought and seen what we need to see and think and might see and think in the future by our generations to come.

Who would have thought that we will be able to see inside patient's body through x-rays and MRIs to find out the disease,
that we can see an event happening in the distant land through television,
that we will be able to communicate with a person visibly, from earth to one sitting in outer space, and there are many other things to talk about. I think an Etc will suffice and push you to train of thoughts to find out the possibilities.
we used to communicate through wired telephone line, then without wire with mobile devices, and future is communication through psychic radiations without any devices.

The need and virtue of perfection has to be dynamism rather than rigidity, it is true that, a strong building cannot be made on fragile foundations but a bridge can always be made to connect two entirely different ideas. The endeavors, which became highly improbable by walking on one path can be pursued and the aim can be achieved by taking a different path, which is less traveled or an entirely new one.

Aadhar inclusiveness is on final stage in India, in  developed countries equivalent policies are already implemented, and a entire database of citizens with the impressions of their fingers, retina and other associated identifying features are already their with the governments. Now think of the possibilities it will open up,
Analytics firms led by google will follow you with the personalized ads wherever you go,suppose, you searched chicken tikka on the internet in the morning, you enter a shopping mall, your retina is scanned at the entrance, and giant screens installed on the malls starts showing you, your favorite chicken tikkas with the addresses of the servers, like they do with people on the internet, severely on the android, with high penetration in the market.
Suppose, you are going out of your home, and a device to take impressions have been installed on the gate, which is connected to the common server, if anyone tries to open it, a message will be flashed to the nearest police station along with entire description of the perpetrator, and further he can be tracked and found in public and private places wherever such devices are installed.
Further, a giant step in negating the gap and filling the void between precognition and scientific predictions.


Deja Vu s are common psychic phenomenons, literally "already seen", is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced has already been experienced in the past. Déjà vu is a feeling of familiarity, the entire set of similar concept of deja related phenomenons can be found here in very brief, one can search terms to find out more relevant information.

We must have experienced the phenomena of familiarity of an event, dialogue, person, or event in some point in our lives,  Travelling on an unknown road, we start thinking that we will pass through a cinema on the left side of the road having banners of a particular movie and suddenly the same happens with us,  we move ahead without giving it its due importance, or you are talking with a person and suddenly your mind starts to recollect, what the person will say next and what your reply will be? Scientists try to explain these phenomenon as "cryptoamnesia" as only the recollection of memory which has been forgotten consciously. But Deja vu is different from Cryptoamnesia, as movies in the cinema halls are changed at least every month and you just don't talk the same lines with the same person again and again. Rather I believe, its a sudden outburst of faculties of precognition, somehow succeeded in sending signals to the conscious mind.

A picture puzzle can be solved only after watching the unpuzzled or at-least presuming, what the solved picture would look like, and if a person is entirely ignorant about the consequent solved picture, every piece of the picture will appear to be complete in itself.
The key of this great universe is surrounded by the puzzles like these, just like a computer game, the only difference is that the complexity of reasoning decreases at higher stages, but only for the person who has reached to that level, the complete knowledge of the ideas encrypted in this universe may lead to unfettered precognition.

Watched many movies, in the last few days, Minority report, Million Dollar Arm, Lingaa and Kochadaiyaan, to name a few. Minority report, a convincing representation of a fictional idea and depicting a tussle between determinism and free will, Million dollar arm was more supportive to the idea of  determinism as two boys from India, one is a javelin thrower and other working on trucks, have never watched base ball in their dreams leave alone on television, are selected to play for a major base ball club franchise in 10 months time, (a true story). And of-course our great, superstar Rajnikant, who never listens to anyone, did what he wanted to do in Lingaa and championed his own determinism of avenging his father's death in an interesting animated screenplay and narration in Kochadaiyan. Some people are out of this world and beyond any rule or comprehension, this is the reason why, I am his biggest fan.
Now, every event of our lives are a result of constant tussle between determinism and free will, there are scintillas in which free will pervades and the determinism takes a new path. The spaces in which this determination and free will conciliates are the areas of precognition.

2007, 24th September, the first Cricket T20 Final, India V/s Pakistan at Johannesburg, jam packed stadium, crowd cheering and shouting for their respective teams, India batting First made 157/5 wickets, Pakistan in reply 145/9 after 19 overs, the match can go anywhere from here, Joginder kumar was given the final over, bowls the first bowl, a wide, crowd cheers, 2nd bowl, a miss by the batsmen, cheers again, third ball, a six out of the park, now its almost certain that Pakistan will win, fourth ball, Joginder kumar bowls, Misbah-Ul-Haq moves to his right on the off stump and tries to hit it for a six over close third man, the bowl went up into the air, for a fraction of a second, everyone believed that it is going for a six, but caught by Sreesanth standing at close third man in the circle. India had won the inauguratory cricket T20 world cup.

Do you think that this event has happened on the exact date, or was encrypted in the origin of universe, a chain of events which started  millions of years ago by creation of the elements by which this event will take place, by creating the lineage of people who watched it and played it, by creating reasons which are the basis of partition of India and Pakistan, which enabled them to play as separate teams, by creating people who made equipment to play this game and a million other rings in this chain of events.

The process of determinism is a complex net and every exercise of free will connects the event with a new chain and a new chain takes over, Final destination(a hollywood Movie) was made on this premise, it depicts that it is like a flowing river which may change its course but destined to reach its estuary. But in the movie, the death of the people had became too important for the writer, and I believe, there is nothing important or unimportant, or big or small for this universe, everything is just an event nothing more than that and the perception of these crypted language of this universe is precognition or so called "Extra Sensory Perception" 

Sorry to leave, without answering many things, but times up, Please do watch this video:

Thank YOU..... ALHAMDULLILLAH.....!!!!