Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Gateway to divine consciousness


This is a story about a young boy who lived in a small village near Mandi in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. Like every child in the village, Jematva was also a very fun loving boy and used to do naughty things and tease his mother. But right from his childhood, he developed a very special talent. He used to cut branches of the tree and used to make figurines, sometimes human, often animals, and many times very strange creatures, which no one has ever seen.

There was a room in the backyard of his house where he kept these things. He started making these figurines at a very tender age of 5, and gradually gained perfection now at the age of 10 years.

He has hundreds of these figurines in his collection. But there is one important thing, he used to make a different figure everyday, he had hundreds in his collection, but he never copied a single one.

This practice of making figurines started to open new avenues for Jematva. At first he used to be confused about what to make but often he used to get conscious inspirations, and often in his dreams. His parents and neighbors were astounded to see the imagination of this young boy.

This practice of making new figurines with pieces of trunk of trees, opened new dimensions in the mind of Jematva and now he was able to think very clearly and he was also able to see every single thing from different perspectives.

And he never discontinued this practice of making a new figurine every day. At the age of 19 years, he was offered to become the chief advisor of the king Lankesh of Mandi and then when the king died and democracy prevailed, he was chosen as the chief minister of Mandi.

He still makes these figurines, every day a new one….!!

Monday, 30 August 2021

The Tree of Life


This is the story of the Tree of Satpati, which stood at the midst of a large mountain. The tree was large and had several branches. Many birds built their nests on this tree, and as this tree was on the path of a grand pilgrimage, the travelers used to rest in its shed by erecting tents and small huts. The tree had a conscience and it constantly communicated with travelers, birds and every soul that passes from there, but in its own language directed to their heart and minds.

The tree loved when every new soul came within its contact and shared its experience sub-consciously, but at the same time it also used to hurt Satpati that everyone continued their journeys and the tree remained at the same place.

The travels of the souls continued but the tree remained at its place, but now the same experiences was arousing a different kind of feeling in the tree, earlier the tree’s heart ached when people left him but now he has learnt to let go, and welcome the new arrivals, he started indifferently wishing the best to all people who left, and welcomed new arrivals with zest and enthusiasm.

Then gradually the wishes from the heart of the tree aroused compassion for everything, without any kind of discrimination. Now he didn’t care for who came and who left, Satpati just loved everything without expecting anything in return.

Slowly the love and compassion that the tree emitted filled the soul of Satpati and the evolution started. With the passage of time, the tree had an aura of infinite love and compassion around it and it kept expanding. Everyone who came near the tree started feeling the vibrations of love and brilliance.

Gradually, the Tree of Satpati expanded its vibrations to everything that existed in the universe. Every soul that touched the vibrations of the tree had accepted a part of Satpati. Of course every soul had preserved their own tendencies, but in a corner of all the hearts, there was love and compassion of tree of Satpati.

Now the soul of Satpati became so powerful that it started changing its physical appearance. It has become the most wonderful and beautiful tree for the person who had the wisdom to see the core of the tree, for others it still remained the same. Whoever came within its vibrations, and the tree unlocked its wisdom, that person was destined to live all the wonders of life.

This is the journey of the Tree of Life, the mythical one, that finds mention in various scriptures, but it has its existence in every seed, and everything and being that is born in the universe. And everything that exists in this universe has the potential to become one with the Tree of Life, just have to follow the process of evolution.