Monday 14 November 2016

Guru Nanak: Torch Bearer of Eastern Philoshophy

While the western world was following the philosophies of Martin Luther, John Knox and John Wesley, and Christopher Columbus was on his nautical explorations, there was a Saint in India, with his conglomerated ideas of Hinduism, Islam And Buddhism among others, was creating waves of a new spiritual awakening in the people of India, preaching dynamic Gospels of knowledge, and travelling the length and breadth of the country, while building the youngest religion of the world.

Here are 10 Teachings of Guru Nanak, which are eternal:

1. Speak the Truth:

“You are not Babar but JABAR” exhorting the Mughal emperor babar in his own court, Guru Nanak demonstrated that, one should speak the truth without worrying about the consequences and without getting overwhelmed by the situation.

2. Sewa and Simran

Guru Nanak preached his disciples to constantly help the needy (sewa) as this will open an honorable place for them in court of the lord. Always be in touch with god by remembering him at all times(simran) with the guidance of Guru.

3. Liberal Views on sexual equality:

At the time when woman are not allowed to sanctum of the temples by Hindus and by Muslims in mosques, Guru Nanak supported the idea of equality of sexes and permitted woman to participate in religious gatherings of Sikhism.

4. Believe in only one God: 

Guru Nanak taught to believe in one god, who is beyond comprehension, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. There is no Hindu or Muslim.

On his visit to Hardiwar, he saw people offering the water of the Ganges towards the sun in the east, as an offering to their ancestors in heaven. He began to throw water towards the West. When others ridiculed him, he said: "If Ganges water will reach your ancestors in heaven, why should the water I throw not reach my fields in the Punjab, which are far less distant?"

5. Leaving Worldly affairs and running into forest will not Enlighten you:

“…Remember the essence of religion/ Is meekness and sympathy/ But a life of goodness and purity/ Amid the world’s temptations…” (Guru Nanak)

He believed that a person can be enlightened only by leading a life of goodness and purity, unfettered by worldly temptations, while living with it.

6. Finding evils which is ruining lives:

a. Ego b. Anger c. Greed d. Attachment and e. Lust

Probably the eternal source of all sufferings.

7. Be Selfless;

Gurudwaras located in diferent parts of the country feed lakhs of people everyday, not because of any divine gain, but it is taught to be the duty of every Sikh by Guru Nanak.

8. Fight superstition of any kind:

Refute Superstitious dictates of the society if it doesn't support your reason.

9. Simplicity is beautiful:

Vand Chako: Sharing with others
Kirat Karo: Making an honest living
Naam Japna: Remembering God at all times

To follow Sikhism, one has to follow these three tenets, thats all, making it the simplest religion of the world.

10. Travel:

Guru Nanak walked, to Iraq, Ladakh, Tibet and Saudi Arabia...!!!! He taught that traveling, unlocks the spiritual wisdom of human beings.

Thank You...!!! Please do watch this video to feel the sanctity of Guru Nanak!!!! 
Happy Guru Nanak Jayanti!!!!

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