Wednesday 2 November 2016

Sneak Peek into the mind of a 3 months old.

After thinking about a wide range of issues to write my first post on, and finding ways to rectify my mistake in spelling of "laymens perspective" as a heading to this blog, and after spending some time with my daughter,shanaya, 1 minute older than the second of the twins, tanaya, born on obviously, the same date some 3 months back on august 6, 2016. I finally decided, honestly after much effort, to give up my ambitions of rectifying the mistake in the spelling of "Laymen's Perspective" and start Writing my first post dedicated to and inspired by my daughter shanaya.

What does a 3 months old has in his mind? the question must have been probed by a lot of psychologists and other eminent learners, but this blog is about the laymen's perspective and therefore, I am under no obligation to read and understand other's opinion first, and then write this blog, as a laymen, I am free to write anything, which I opine and you as a reader, (I think, I will probably find some) is under the obligation to take my opinions without any riders.

Now, coming to the question, which I have taken in my hands to answer, with utmost responsibility without any inhibitions as mentioned above.  What does a 3 months old has in his mind and what he thinks? after spending some time with my daughters in the last 3 months of their newly found life, I think it is apt to say that a three months old is,a newly anointed inexperience head of state, who doesn't know about the resources of his/her own state, more like a warrior who is on a mission to take control of his/her body and thoughts, one who interacts with the outside environment without any inhibitions and without any intrinsically or extrinsically imposed constraints and restraints by the people who will force authority on her cognitive developments in the future, extra sensory perception is more developed than the conventional 5 senses which are normally possessed by a self anointed human being. These senses are later by developments of experiential and learning based inhibitions, get into a balanced state or in most cases the conventional senses dominates the unconventional ones.

Though, I am under no obligations to tell you about the basis and foundations of my thoughts on this subject, because of the same aforementioned reason, "Laymen's Perspective" remember!! But feeling pity on the expert knowledge you possess, I would like to do a favor to you in the guise of revealing this "secret" confined in the dark corners of the mind. 

Now first of all with "extra sensory Perception" I doesn't mean to say that a 3 months old possesses the powers of encircling in the whirlwind fashion like shaktiman, or powers of having antennae above his/her head like farooq sheikh of chamatkar (I don't know anyone has seen it on doordarshan or not) to read the verbally unexpressed thoughts of other people.

With "extra sensory perception" I mean what you (please don't be offended) and I don't perceive from a particular experience or watching a particular thing or listening to particular sound, the thoughts generated by experiences which cannot be comprehended scientifically or understood by reason. A great man has once said 'There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.'” a child fits into the later part of the phrase as everything in the world is novel to him/her and creates a feeling of awe every time he /she experiences something, every person experiences the revelation of gravity once in his/her life, though he is not awarded with Nobel prize, as he is not the first one to do so (I can generalize my assumption based on my personal experience).   This incapability of perceiving vicariously, I believe, does lay a foundation to the capabilities developed overtime.

She must be playing Pokemon go in the mind in search of faculties to activate controls of her body and mind.

I don't know if this is an interesting post or not but it has surely given my soul a refuge from the sufferings and pains I have gone through in the last few days which raised the definition of pain to an entirely different level for me.

Thank You for Reading (only if you have read the entire post)

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