Thursday 17 November 2016

How to Become Prime Minister of India: Simplified...!!!!

Sorry !!! If you are looking for a humorous or satirical answer of the question posed above, you are at the wrong place, don' waste your time reading this.

If you are still here, start preparing for the oath ceremony.

Let's decode the path to become the Prime Minister of India, together.


Let us Examine data in hand very very briefly:

We had 14 people who had made it to this office till date:


1. Jawaharlal Nehru:
Born of an affluent barrister, a England educated barrister himself, led the country from 1947-1964. Joined congress in 1926, took over the reigns of left wing of the congress and consequently the entire congress in 1929. A Hindu agnostic, architect of the new nation, sowed the seeds of new economic policy, scientific developments, international relations, revolutionized the personal laws of Hindus weeding out age old arbitrary and unjust practices, more can be found here, He managed to influence people by his new ideas based on his cosmopolitan thoughts. At the time, People in India used to be obsessed by kings, Rich and people from Great Britain(ironically the same ones who looted them for over 200 years) and Jawaharlal Nehru Possessed all those attributes.

2. Guljari Lal Nanda:

Just a filler, used twice for 13 days each, after death of Jawahar Lal Nehru in 1964 and after death of Lal Bahadur Shashtri in 1966. hardly matters in our analysis.

3. Lal Bahadur Shastri:

Born in the family of a school teacher, completed his education in Urdu up-to class 7 in Allahabad, later shifted to Benaras, earned a first class degree in philosophy and ethics, the title awarded with the degree "Shashtri" struck to his name, served as railway minister in first cabinet, More can be found Here. escalated to the office of the prime minister after death of Jawarlal Nehru in office in 1964, as he was the staunch supporter of Nehruvian socialistic policies, but while governing he did deviated from some of them.

5. Indira Gandhi:

The Indians obsessed with the idea of monarchy, succession of leadership of the state, based on the lineage of dynasty. Daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, An oxford graduate, but performed poorly in some of the subjects, she led India in the arguably most eventful 3 terms of political history of independent India, war with Pakistan, attacked the independence of judiciary, imposed emergency(Which actually created many leaders, who are leading different states, and Atal Bihari and Chandra Shekhar managed to reach the highest office) more can be found Here

6. Morarji Desai:

Conferred with Pakistan's Highest Civilian Award, Nishan E Pakistan.
Morarji Desai was born in a school  teacher,s family, appointed as a civil servant in Gujarat but later terminated on the ground of going soft on Hindus, left him with the option of joining congress in its freedom struggle, which consequently resulted in he becoming the first Non-Congress Prime Minister Of India. More can be found here.

7. Chaudhary Charan Singh:
Chaudhry Charan Singh was born in a small Jat peasant family, participated in freedom movement alongside Mahatma Gandhi, possessed a MA and a Law degree, architect of the land reform laws in India, More can be found here.

8. Rajiv Gandhi:

The youngest Prime Minister of India, elevated to the office after assassination of his mother in 1984, went to Cambridge to Study engineering, but never completed it, took a pilot license from flying club, Delhi, and was a pilot in state owned Air India. After 3 years of courtship, he married  Italian Edvige Antonia Albina Màino (Sonia Gandhi). More can be found HERE.

9. Vishwanath Pratap Singh:

Born in a Rajput Zamindar family from Manda, completed his education from Allahabad and Pune universities, held many offices in congress governments, Mandal Commission report was implemented during his reign. More can be found HERE.

10. Chandra Shekhar:
Born in an agriculturist family in Balia district of Uttar Pradesh, earned a MA degree in Political Science from Allahabad University, started his political career with Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, became Prime minister in 1990. More can be found here.

11. P. V. Narsimha Rao:

Belonged to an agrarian family in warangal, a lawyer by proffession, instrumental in opening up of Indian economy, end of license raj, and laid foundations of new India.. more can be found here.

12. Atal Bihari Vajpayee:

Born in the family of school teacher, held MA in Political Science, started as general secretory Arya Samaj Gwalior, was also a member of RSS and was elevated to the position of Pracharak in the oraganisation, later became the first non congress Prime Minister to serve a full five year term in 1998. More can be found Here.

13. H. D. Devegowda:
Born in a Middle class agricultural Family in Karnataka, earned diploma in civil engineering, became chief minister of Karnataka, and later the Prime Minister Of Union of India in 1996. More can be found Here.

14. Manmohan Singh:
Born in a Sikh family of undevided Punjab Province, completed Economic Tripos from University of Cambridge and later a D.Phil from university of oxford. held many eminent positions in United Nations, Reserve bank of India and finally Became the Prime Minister of India in 2004, More can be found here.

15. Narendra Modi:

The incumbent Prime Minister. Born in a Family with humble means,  started  career as a tea vendor, joined RSS, Became CM of Gujrat for two Terms, and later promoting his Gujrat Model of Governance, Became the prime Minister in 2014. More can be found Here.

What Is INDIA?

India matches the diversity of the world on various parameters, with different languages and dialects, economic inequalities, geographic diversity, religions and beliefs, and many other things, the needs of the people are also diverse, every person has different views on leader they wanted, which can't be comprehended. In a Nutshell it is the prototype of the working model of the world.

(Topics are not covered in detail for the shake of brevity.)

By analyzing the above we can say that a person from any background can make it to the office provided he possesses some qualities.

What Are the Qualities one Has to Imbibe to be Eligible to be appointed as Prime Minister of India ?

1. Leadership; Quite obvious, but the difference is you have to lead recalcitrants, who are themselves elected leaders of their respective constituencies, you have to earn their respect by unimpeachable character, and constant good things you have done in the past.

2. Exceptional communicator: One needs to be a good Communicator, With exceptional powers of reasoning, Which can appeal to the reason of people from diversified backgrounds.

3. Wide Knowledge: You have to possess cross disciplinary knowledge, as topics in  a PM's life changes with a maniacal  speed, in the morning you are dealing with economic policies, the next moment you have to deal with nuclear policies, and in the next moment you have to deal with commercial and social viability of nuclear reactors. So you must have atleast abstract ideas of everything in the knowledge of mankind.

4. Good Health: One is needed to be agile, not only with his mind but also physically.

5. Disciplined: Its a never ending work, you have to be disciplined.

Do You Think That aforesaid Qualities can make you The Prime Minister of India ?

The answer is an obvious NO, as India is a large country with population of 125 crores, there are millions of people, who possess these qualities, and are eager to take over the reigns. The qualities listed above can make you only eligible.

But the Following qualities will certainly differentiate you from the millions and put you in the line of strongest contenders for the job:

1. Unimpeachable Belief in yourself:  Unimpeachable means empirically and eternally unimpeachable. Take control of the situations around you, and don't allow them to control you. Don't deter from bad experiences and stay grounded with good ones.

2. The Megapixels of the Picture of yourself in your mind as a Prime Minister of India need to be Eternally Multiplying:  Abstract ideas are the mother of every resultant human action. Imagine when a person first conceived the idea of flying, he only had an abstract idea without any reasoning, but with constantly believing on that idea, which resulted in working on it tirelessly every part of that idea is detailed and pronounced, and the picture became complete with every minutest detailing. and consequently air crafts and helicopters were invented. In the same way create an abstract picture of yourself as the Prime Minister in your mind, and believe on that picture. Your belief will govern your thoughts and your thoughts will govern your actions, and your actions will start detailing the abstract picture into a multi dimensional extension of yourself. The only thing you have to do is believe!!!

3. Dodging the Determinism: Every action in a person's life, first takes place in mind and further consecutive actions are programmed on the basis of the first conception of that idea, like a chain reaction. Every action is triggered by the preceding experience, and ideas conceived on the basis of that experience. Our actions and thoughts are governed by these triggers.
There are theories in Psychology which support this proposition, there is selective exposure theory which says that a person is more likely to accept and affirm information which supports its previous convictions, he is more likely to absorb information if he has an abstract idea about that subject.
The things which are associated with certain experiences triggers thoughts which are responsible for consequent actions.
Every consequence is a result of selections, a person makes in the past, as every experience is multidimensional, draw a circle on a paper, a cricketer will perceive it as a cricket ball, a footballer will see a football and an astronaut will see it as a sun or earth.
You have to keep increasing your dimensions, while channelizing all the dimensions towards your goal. 
A person is likely to judge morality of an action on the basis of religion to which he belongs.
These things, acts as a determinist of your fate, you have to keep enlarging your cognitive potential with new knowledges and re-conciliating beliefs to put yourself in the driver seat of your own determinism.

4. Communicating with large Number of People while Keeping the diversity of their Knowledges and Beliefs in Mind

5. Reality Check: Keep a reality check on yourself, you have thought of something big, you should not loose the ground before achieving it. you should not be settled with anything but the best. 

Just install these qualities in yourself and see the consequences that follow.
Do invite me in the oath ceremony!!!
Please do watch these video..!!!!

Jai Hind...!!!
Jai Shri Krishna...!!!
Thank You....!!!!

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